Prophetic Art

Morgan art - 'Take up the Sword of The Spirit'

Prophetic Art

See The Voice Prophetic Art
‘ He who was, He who is and He who comes’
Title from Revelation when John writes I turned my head to see the voice.
For more than 40  years the Lord has graciously allowed me to see the voice but has asked me to wait to reveal the images. Now is the time to make these images available to believers and I hope you see what I see and are blessed.

​King and Queen of Elfland

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Product Details
Brand: Morgan Fitzsimons

King and Queen of Elfland is size A3 and will be a acid free archival print.

Print is from a painting by British Artist Morgan Fitzsimons and is sold without a watermark.
From a painting using watercolour, acrylic and pen on Fabriano Artistico. The subjects are the lovely Brian Froud and Wendy Froud surrounded by all the subjects large and small that might inhabit the woods of Elfland. A truly delightful and very accomplished couple for whom I have every admiration.

Copyright Morgan Fitzsimons
No rights of any kind transferred with this purchase.
All commercial and intellectual rights reserved by the artist. This work may not be copied or resold without a written signed by the artist document.

Price of print, plus postage and packaging UK £2.80, please enquire for post to any other country.
No refunds or exchanges due to nature of item.

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​King and Queen of Elfland