Faith Studies

Morgan art - 'Take up the Sword of The Spirit'

Faith Studies

Disciples Journey

Units compiled working diligently with the Holy Spirit to deepen knowledge of God and His Word, realising it must be spoken to become His living and creative and Word.

Prepare the way – 15 units
Narrow Gate – 20 units
Through the Fire
Let there be light
Power house
Barak and Deborah partnerships
Power of the Blood and our Testimony
See the Voice – revelation from John, poet and theologian.

Morgan's British Countryside Art

The Land and Countryside is about the art of wild woods, fields and meadows, an evolving seasonal landscape of glorious everchanging colours and textures, home to a vast number of species to inspire creativity. We see vast sweeping hills, stark fells, the secret life of woods, hedges and meadows, flat fens and mountain peaks, all offering endless inspiration for the artist from both landscapes and creatures who inhabit them and the man made creations of country cottages & farms to the powerful castles of stone. Everything has a beauty of its own, some times intricate transient delicate, often overwhelming and emotional, all interchanging with natures circle of life.

