Disciples Journey
Units compiled working diligently with the Holy Spirit to deepen knowledge of God and His Word, realising it must be spoken to become His living and creative and Word.
Prepare the way – 15 units
Narrow Gate – 20 units
Through the Fire
Let there be light
Power house
Barak and Deborah partnerships
Power of the Blood and our Testimony
See the Voice – revelation from John, poet and theologian.
Here You will find cards to print and send to friends who need an uplifting message.
The cards will print on the standard 6x6 and 7x5 blank cards bought in craft shops. They were created for Donna’s Isaiah 55 Ministry which says the Word of God shall not return void but will accomplish that for which it was sent. These cards have blessed many people and we hope will continue to do so. These sales will assist to create new cards to continue to give to people in hospitals and prisons, and anywhere they are needed.
Let us know if you want to contact Donna directly.
The pdf may not be given away or resold or individual items used for profit. They are meant to write a message and to pass to people who need to be uplifted or comforted and need someone to care. You can do this as often as you choose.